
This page contains a range of free* learning resources for both students and educators in higher education. Many are a bit playful! As I teach in the broad disciplinary area of business management, some of these resources may be more helpful for people in this discipline. There is no requirement to sign up to anything, pay a fee, or join a mailing list. If you find any of these resources helpful, please get in touch and let me know!

*Most of these materials are provided under a creative commons attribution sharealike license CC BY-SA 4.0. This means you can use and adapt these materials, as long as you let people know where they came from. Where copyright has been retained, documents are clearly marked with a copyright symbol ©. It is fine to use these sources as long as you have the author’s permission. Please use the link above to get in touch if you want to use these.


These resources are focused on helping students read at university level, and are suitable for both students and instructors.

Top tips for reading academic articles


These resources are focused on highlighting a range of different writing techniques.

How to improve your essay writing.